Friday, October 2, 2015


By Philip

I think a hobby is an important thing to have. Many autistic people really need hobbies. If we have a hobby we can focus fast energy into an avenue of fun or expertise.  I make addressing autism in my blog a hobby. I am making a habit of writing so I can be an author some day. I am practicing maintaining my blog even when I am busy with school. Lately I have been wanting to try new things. I thank my mom for enrolling me in bike camp this past summer. I love to ride my bike. I feel so peaceful and free. Practicing to have patience in developing a hobby is hard. I am bad at moving my body, but with practice I can develop muscle memory to bike. Now I can bike each day.  Lots of very interesting hobbies can be had. People I know are into bowling, running, art, and swimming. If you do not have a hobby, I recommend you pursue one.

*For Rick who asked Philip about his interests and hobbies on Facebook and whom we had the pleasure to meet while in New Hampshire.  

 Philip's writings are included in this anthology of writings by people who communicate through typing.

 Biking with siblings.

Copyright 2015 Philip Reyes.  All rights reserved.


  1. Definitely good to have hobbies! They make life better! My hobbies are arts and crafts, blogging, and taking care of my pets!

  2. I've always been a little awkward, you know what helped me?
    When new My mother taught me to do crafts, make small crafts can help develop our motor coordination. When I was your age I liked to paint tiles with plastic paint.
    After old I started practicing Aikido is the only martial art that has no competition. You and train motor skills, you can learn to master emotions between people.

    Sorry if my text is not well written, I translate it by google.

  3. Your bike is like my flute. Both have a science and a rhythm to how they work.
