Thursday, February 20, 2020

Choosing My Path at School

I am really stressed about next school year. I have to plan my school path for transition. I am going to be an adult soon. I won’t be in school much longer. I won’t go to college because I am not getting a diploma. I am going to school for life skills. 

I am preparing for my life. I am going to have a good life doing things I care about and want to do.  I care about advocating for people to have a voice. I want to do this by my writing and by personally speaking at forums. 

At school I am facing decisions about my school program. Some say I should do more vocational training like auto shop. But I am lousy at doing skilled labor. My body is the problem and my mind is my strength. I would just get more anxious having to do things that are hard and not interesting to me.

I would like to keep learning interesting things with my mind.  I have enjoyed my electives, especially Current Events. They teach me good skills for writing and listening. I would like to continue taking electives. I am interested in more literary and social studies classes. I would enjoy those more than making crafts or putting things together. 

I am going to tell my school to please keep me in academic classes. I can always learn skills later on.


  1. Yes, Phillip. Keep nourishing that beautiful mind. It would be a shame for an intellect and curiosity such as yours to be neglected.

  2. Just realized I spelled your name wrong! Philip with one “l”. Keep writing. You have talent in this area and self-expression is freedom. Freedom for you and the many people you will touch through this blog and beyond.

  3. Hello Philip, I am a special education teacher. I applaud your courage to share your story and I greatly appreciate hearing your voice. It would appear to me that you should surely continue to challenge yourself to learn. The only limits in life are the ones we impose on ourselves. If you believe in yourself and your ability to learn, you will surely continue to learn. Reach for the stars and you shall catch them Best wishes as you pursue your future. :)

  4. Hi, my name is Wyatt, and I am writing a novel that will feature an autistic character. I really want to portray her accurately, and I would be deeply grateful if you could give me any advice on how to do this. Please get back to me and let me know if you are interested. Thanks, Philip. You have an incredible story.

  5. Hello, nice to meet you. Thank you for the vabuable information. I am a mother of a nine year old nonverbal autistic son. I am currently teaching him how to spell using a magnetic board with letters. He is having a difficult time spelling them. I wish you could tell me how to teach him. I am hoping one day he will learn to spell words and understand what he is writing or typing. I feel lost with no help.
