Today Philip participated in the Honor Ceremony for our Stockade
Program at church. He received a
Sentinel Achievement Award for being one of the top stockaders for the fall for
completing his achievements such as memorizing scripture verses and things like
looking up family genealogies, helping in home improvement projects, and
learning some sports skills (modified for what he can handle). I am so proud of him!
Earlier today Philip wrote about his beliefs in Santa
Claus. Yesterday I had asked him if he
wanted to learn about St. Nicholas or the Pope.
He had picked Saint Nicholas.
Also known as Nicholas the Wonderworker, Nicholas grew up in Turkey and was
a defender of the Christian faith in the 4th century when Christians
were still severely persecuted by the
Romans under Emporer Diocletian.
Nicholas was imprisoned for his faith.
Nicholas was from a wealthy family.
After his parents died, he sold all he had to aid the poor and
needy. He was said to have saved 3 women
from one family from a life of slavery or prostitution by throwing 3 bags of
gold through the window of their home in the middle of the night. The money was used to pay the women’s dowry
for marriage, which was custom at that time.
Legend has it, the gold was tossed by the shoes that lay by the fire in
order to dry. This is where we get our
custom of hanging our stockings by the chimney in which gold coins or oranges
(representing gold) were anticipated to be given by St. Nick. Nicholas later became the Bishop of Myra and participated
in the Council of Nicea in 325AD in which much of the Christian faith was
codified. He was a staunch opponent of
Arius, who claimed Jesus was not equal to God.
Nicholas was said to have punched Arius in the face in a heated
argument. Nicholas died on December 6
which later became the feast day of St. Nicholas and the original date for
giving gifts to the poor in honor of Nicholas who lived his calling of
defending the faith and helping the needy.
I asked Philip to write an essay about his belief in St.
Nicholas or Santa Claus. Here is what he
I believe in Saint Nicholas.
He was a bishop in Turkey. He
attracted some armies. They arrested him
for believing in Jesus. He attracted
notoriety because he argued Jesus was equal to God and punched Arius in the
face. Arius did not believe Jesus was
God’s equal. Nicholas gave his
belongings to the poor and needy. He is
a good man to inspire others. I am a fan
of Nicholas.
“What about Santa Claus?” I asked.
Santa is not real. He
is ok. I am not a believer in him and I
am easy to please. I am so lucky to
haven’t had to make Santa a role model.
“Why is that?” I asked.
Because he has to get toys for every boy and girl.
I love Philip’s way of thinking. So practical and true!
* Photo credits to Heather Hamilton and Paul Gulde. They were faster than me!
* Photo credits to Heather Hamilton and Paul Gulde. They were faster than me!

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