Friday, March 14, 2014

Speaking Out

by Philip

I am autistic and I want to dare to change ideas about us.  I am reaching out to the world by a lot of ways.  One way is through blogging.  I decided to understand autism best over all experts.  I am autistic and not seeking treatment.  I am tired of seeking ways to eradicate autism.  It each day hurts one autistic too many.  Daring to steer away from torment of talking negatively about autism is the solution.  I assume to stop irresponsible ideas about autism.  The idea that autistics are without feelings is terrible.  It leaves us vulnerable to all kinds of abuse.  I am still traumatized by teachers who would restrain me at my old school.  I so want teachers to understand they hurt autistics when they think we are not smart. 

The idea that we want to be left alone is hurtful too.  Dearth of people idea is depressing.  I very much want to make friends.  I need help with it.  I like listening to kids talk to me.  Each day I sometimes catch myself determined not to let myself get depressed about not talking.  I am determined to listen to my new teachers so I can make friends (talking with my letterboard).  

Another wrong idea is to extinguish stims.  Stims relax us from sensory overload.  I can function better if I stim.  If I couldn’t stim, I wouldn’t be able to mute the distracting sounds like the refrigerator noise or from the surroundings.  Isn’t it nonsense to think we stim for no reason? 

I am happy to be each day at (my new school).  There they treat me with respect and love.  I think autistics need more acceptance and less therapy.  I think open-ended communication techniques should be emphasized.  RPM taught me to understand myself and stop storing sorrow in me.  I am thankful to Soma and Mom for talking to me and helping me understand the world better.  I want to tell parents not to give up on their kids.  It is tragic not to have a voice.      


  1. Thank you Philip for a beautiful article. I have a grandson who is autistic. I absolutely love him for who he is. Although he is still small, almost 3 now, he does not talk. I absolutely agree with you about the stimming. I have seen my grandson enjoy himself when he stims and it is good to see him happy. He has a beautifful mother who understands her son and his needs. She lives her life for him and together they make a great team. I will always love him no matter what and when I read stories like yours, I know that even though he cannot tell me himself, I am sure he loves each and everyone of his family as much as we love him. Thank you again Philip and I wish you and your mom a beautiful journey on our earth. God bless you. Felicity Hugs xo

  2. Thank you for speaking out! I am Autistic too and I agree with all you wrote!

  3. This is fabulous!! Thank you, Phillip for sharing your important perspective!


  4. Philip, I hear your voice and the voice of others too using RPM! I am a speech-language pathologist who works with non verbal people using the letter board. Thank you for getting your message out! We need to inform the world one nonverbal voice at a time! Elizabeth

  5. Thank you for taking the time to share this message Philip!

  6. Lisa and Phillip, I recently came across your blogspot. I love what you have to say here, Phillip. My non[verbal autistic daughter, age 29, learned to type to communicate when she was 6. She loves Jesus like you and was baptized when she was around 8. I loved watching the video of your baptism.

    1. Hi, I'm glad you found our blog! I have seen a common thread of heightened spirituality in kids like ours. What a gift they are! I am so glad you found a means for your daughter to communicate at such a young age. I hope our little community can spread this awareness and acceptance so typing to communicate would be first priority for all nonverbal people.
